
Student Preceptors

Our practice proudly takes student preceptors and we celebrate our duty to help train naturopathic medical students.

Our office uses fundamental nature cure therapies, physical medicine, acupuncture, nutritional counseling, homeopathy, motivational lifestyle counseling, functional medicine and alternative testing and extensive botanical formulating with both tinctures and loose leaf herbs. We want the next generation of naturopathic physicians to see the power of this medicine in action!

The trickiest part about taking student preceptors is balancing everyones busy schedules. We have a high demand for preceptors and because of this, have designed a simple process and rules to ensure we can fairly work with as many students as possible. We know how full your schedules are as students, so planning ahead and not missing any of your scheduled shifts is the BEST way to ensure a timely completion of your preceptor hours.


  1. Students must have completed their first 2 years of Naturopathic Medical School and started their clinical shifts.

  2. Students must fill out and submit the student preceptor application.

  3. Once your hours are scheduled, if you have to cancel, you will not be able to make up those hours until another available day [this means we will not bump another student who is scheduled out of their upcoming spot just because you missed a day. Sometimes we can get you in to make it up quickly, but sometimes it may not be until the next month or even semester]. Please plan accordingly.

  4. Preceptoring hours are available Monday, Tues, Thurs and Fri, students can preceptor a maximum 1 day/week, unless traveling or special circumstances.

Student Preceptor Application Form