Community Acupuncture Info:

Community acupuncture is performed in an open room with individual treatment tables or chairs. You will be surrounded by other people quietly receiving treatment at the same time. It is a great opportunity to receive the advantages of acupuncture at a reduced cost, surrounded by friends, family, and other members of the community. Together, the group fosters a healing atmosphere.

Each treatment is customized to you as an individual and performed by a licensed Naturopathic Physician. The doctor will listen to your chief complaint, take a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) tongue and pulse diagnosis and provide an acupuncture treatment. It is recommended to wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing. The doctor will need access to your hands, arms, feet, lower legs, face and head.

Schedule here


Why Community shared space AcupunCture? 

  • Quick and easy appointment lengths vary based on availability and the patient's needs.

  • Affordable alternative to provide acupuncture to those without or limited insurance.

  • Try acupuncture without the full medical consult and private experience.

  • Create a healing space and community with multiple patients relaxing and respecting the innate desire for healing and inner peace.

  • Points are utilized on easily accessed areas like wrists, hands, legs, feet and head to protect patient modest and comfortably of all involved.

  • Experience it with friends, partners or family members.

Appointments are recommended but walk-ins are welcome! 

Fill out the Intake Form BEFORE your visit for a faster appointment